Kopthione Zn powder is an off-white colour, micronized, industrial grade powder.
It exhibits a significant growth inhibiting activity against a broad spectrum of both gram negative and gram positive bacteria besides bacteria, fungi, yeast and mold. Its negligible solubility in water makes it preferred biocide in soft fouling marine paint applications segment.
Product Information:
Composition: Micronised powder of Zinc Pyrithione (Zinc 2-pyridinethiol-1-oxide)
Appearance: Off white to beige coloured powder
Odour: Nearly odourless to mild
Zinc Pyrithione: 97% min
Molecular Formula: C10H8N2O2S2Zn
Density: 1.8106 at 22.5°C
Stability in product: Light stable, stable in pH range 3-10
As antifungal agent in soft fouling marine paints,
As antifungal agent in sealants, caulks, grouts and patching compounds, flooring adhesives, roofing, coated fabrics, wall covering and leather cloth
As antifungal agent in flexible films, foils and sheet, rigid film, sheet extrusion and injection moulding, shoe uppers and liners, rubber vulcanisations and tyres.
A broad spectrum wet state and dry film fungicide and algaecide to protect plastics , sealants, solvent and water borne textile coatings , wood coatings, lacquers, stains and emulsion paints from fungal and algal growth besides exhibiting good bacteriostatic properties.
Antimicrobial Efficacy:
Kopthione Zn Powder possesses a broad spectrum of antifungal and antialgal activity against all fungi and algae following relevant organisms.
Name of Microorganism:
– Escherichia Coli
– Micrococcus luteus
– Proteus Vulgaris
– Pseudomonas aeruginosa
– Candida albicans
– Saccharomyces cerevisiae
– Lynbyaba sp
– Plectonemagrcillinum
– Scytonemastuposum
– Nostoc commune
– Pleurococcus sp.
– Scenedesmus sp.
– Anabaena sp.
– Cholrella
– Trebouxia sp.
– Alternaria alternate
– Aspergillus niger
– Curvularialunata
– Aureobasidium pullulans
– Chaetomium globosum
– Cladosporium sp.
– Fusarium sp.
– Pacillomyces sp.
Addition and compatibility:
Hydrolytically stable between pH 4 and 8.5 Below pH 3.5 conversions to Pyrithione occur. In alkaline solutions conversion to soluble alkali salts occurs.
Transchelation in coatings occurs in the presence of heavy metal ions. Even traces of the corresponding chelates can cause a noticeable discolouration, foremost the iron and copper complexes.
Sensitive to strong oxidizing and reducing agents and light.
Photolytically stable in pigmented coatings